Welcome to the Accounting Alchemy Network
Our Vision
To create a world where accounting professionals are a positive force in developing a sustainable & regenerative global ecosystem and culture.
Our Mission
We leverage knowledge from diverse areas of focus to provide an innovative, interdisciplinary education. Our educational offerings are a gateway into an ecosystem of holistic accounting professionals.
We invite positive change to cultural and social norms, questioning the current economic & financial paradigm.
We empower & inspire the accounting community to create positive change by exploring, applying, and teaching these ideas in the world.
Theory of Change
Moving from the Old Paradigm to the New Paradigm:
One of the biggest things this community is working on is helping the accounting industry shift from what we refer to as the “old paradigm” to the “new paradigm.”
What do we mean by this?
The issues in the world today are fueled by a set of values, assumptions, and practices that undermine the health of our planet and all of its inhabitants. Changing our circumstances requires us to re-examine our individual and community values and assumptions in order to align ourselves with a new set of assumptions and practices.
What is a Regenerative Accountant?
A regenerative accountant is someone who carries the commitment to prioritize people & planet over profit. They actively exhibit and continue to cultivate a set of attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, and skills so that they can have a positive impact on the world.
Get Involved
Becoming a Game Changer for the Accounting Industry:
Our hope is that you will progress from someone who is simply subscribed to our newsletter to someone who is taking an active role in making change within the industry.
The AAN movement operates from a sociocratic model of decentralized leadership.
This means that we encourage all of our members to step forward and bring their gifts to create the changes you want to see in the world through our work together, enabling many hands to make lighter work, and making it so that none of us are alone in our efforts.