Written & originally published by Seth Fineberg on sethfineberg.com

A few weeks ago, I published an article about how progression in accounting won’t happen until firm leaders and even staff learn to operate outside of their comfort zones. But how does one live in the uncomfortable?
It all starts with a discussion. This is what happened at a recent Accounting Alchemy Network lyceum that addressed the very issue of what constitutes uncomfortable things in professional life and, moreover, how we as a profession can begin to live in it in order to enact change.
In my article, I pointed out that the three core things needed most for the accounting profession to progress are anything that promotes a better life/work balance, true diversity and inclusion, and posting entry and even mid-level positions at a higher pay rate than current rates.
See below our discussion on this topic that was hosted on Feb 19th, 2024 with some Accounting Alchemy Network members! 👇