AAN Social Forum | Regenerative Budgeting in Practice with Host Stacie Zastrow

Held on Tuesday November 19th, 2024 this was an AAN Social Forum where our members can meet each other, discuss big ideas, and brainstorm solutions to the issues we are encountering in our profession and in our world. This session was hosted by Stacie Zastrow on the topic of “Regenerative Budgeting Practices.”

MEET OUR HOST: Stacie Zastrow, has received the greenlight to lead a company in a change to their budgeting approach. How can accountants support businesses to have healthier budgeting discussions, particularly when working with business leaders that often change their minds or take over the project? Come prepared to share your stories and strategies! Stacie has become very excited over the past few years around different budget methods, and is thrilled for the opportunity discuss what she has been studying, hear what other tools you know, and develop plans to test these methods out with real businesses.

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